Our Books

Our books feature animal role models exhibiting a positive, inviting tone. The story format delivers a practical view of social-emotional behavior in school, at home and in the community. Students don’t just read it or hear it. They experience it. They explore, internalize, reflect and celebrate. They relate to the animals as children tend to do naturally, finding true heroes to model and opportunities to take action. The animals present global, non-denominational human values and the importance of living by them.

Social and emotional learning, literacy, diversity, cultural sensitivity and positive behavior all reside on Cloud9. Our books:

  • Connect character strength with an animal and its strength.
  • Appeal to the social nature of children.
  • Invite students to think through challenges with proactive solutions.
  • Use animals to teach real solutions to challenges as a way to overcome difficulties.
  • Allow children to view cause and effect patterns by applying their character strength knowledge.
  • Build self-efficacy and self-confidence in students as they utilize the tools and strengths. Story format allows character strengths to become personal and “normal” (animals possess them, so why shouldn’t I?).
  • Are less intrusive and more impactful since the child learns from an animal (seen as a peer) rather than an adult.
  • Are positive and inviting rather than “preachy”.