Cloud9World was founded in 2009 with the goal of providing educational solutions for socio-emotional learning and mental health awareness for children and youth. In its 12 years of experience, C9W has enhanced, strengthened, and innovated its solutions, reaching 14 countries and more than 1 million children.
Our Vision
To change the world, one child at a time.
Our Mission
To provide every child with the knowledge and tools they need to embrace positive mental health throughout life.
Cloud9World is a unique and innovative SEL- Mental Health solution that utilizes character strengths to empower children and teens to adopt character strengths and embrace mental wellness. Our programs utilize the acquisition and strengthening of emotions management strategies and character to develop greater personal mental health and the capacity to make wise choices for a well-rounded life and a thriving society.
SEL and Academic Learning
Cloud9World’s programs are literacy-based and easily implemented in any classroom to support reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Five Reasons to Support Reading Literacy with Cloud9World:
Global setting and cultural diversity exposure
The best readers have had exposure to a variety of cultures and experiences. Cloud9World stories take readers around the globe to experience a different country and culture in every story.
Identification with Characters
Identification with characters increases comprehension and the ability to internalize and apply life lessons. Children identify with children much like themselves and talking animals in every story. They find it easy to relate to characters’ challenges and emotions.
Enhanced Vocabulary Acquisition
Cloud9World’s use of high-level vocabulary in a relatable story context allows children to stretch vocabulary acquisition beyond typical grade-level vocabulary.
Reading Skill Driven Comprehension Activities
Reading comprehension skills, such as sequence of events, main idea and supporting details, tone, and author’s point of view are taught and reinforced in context.
Collaborative Reading Experience
Reading together at school and at home results in shared experiences that reinforce good reading habits. Reading at home together encourages family bonding and spurs a love for reading.