Interested in the Cloud9World platform, but seeking additional funding sources? We've compiled a range of resources to help you explore federal funding eligibility, delve into ESSER & EANS funding details and discover various grant opportunities. Additionally, we offer valuable writing tips to support your efforts in securing the necessary funds for the purchase and implementation of the Cloud9World Inc. curriculum. Take advantage of these resources and empower your educational institution with the transformative power of Cloud9World Inc.
What are ESSER funds?
The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund program, authorized under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, is a vital resource for local educational agencies (LEAs) to address the challenges posed by COVID-19.
Top 3 Ways to Utilize ESSER Funds for Student and Staff Social-Emotional Well-being and Mental Health
- Implementation of Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
- Integration of School-Based Mental Health
- Prioritizing Adult Social & Emotional Learning
ESSER provides additional funding to support LEAs in preventing, preparing for, and responding to the pandemic. This includes the opportunity to implement evidence- based curriculum that meets the comprehensive needs of your students. By leveraging ESSER funding, you can enhance your educational offerings and ensure a well-rounded education in these challenging times.
ESSER Spending by StateHow can ESSER Funds be used for Cloud9World curriculum?
Funding Area Focus
- High-quality assessments to determine academic needs
- Evidence-based interventions to address learning loss
- Assistance to parents and families on supporting students
- Tracking attendance and engagement in distance education
- Tailored activities for low-income students, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, homeless students, disabled students, and youth in foster care
- Specialized support to address their unique needs
- Additional resources and programs to bridge the opportunity gap
- Culturally responsive education and language assistance
- Mentorship initiatives and community partnerships for inclusive support
- Equipping principals and school leaders with essential resources
- Supporting their ability to address specific needs of their schools
- Providing financial resources and professional development opportunities
- Access to innovative tools and technologies
- Facilitating collaborative networks for sharing best practices
School/District Needs
- Designing and implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) integrating social, emotional, and behavioral supports with academics
- Collecting and analyzing data to inform timely decision-making
- Integration of school-based mental health services and supports
- Addressing the holistic needs of students through a comprehensive approach
- Enhancing academic and socio-emotional outcomes through an integrated framework
- Recognizing the importance of social-emotional development
- Need for a comprehensive social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum
- Promoting essential skills and competencies for students
- Creating a supportive and inclusive environment
- Fostering academic success and overall well-being
- Need for high-quality professional development
- Promoting positive school culture and climate
- Improving well-being and engagement of educators and students
- Investing in Adult SEL to support students
- Recognizing the impact of adult well-being on student well-being and academic performance
Cloud9World Alignment
- Cloud9World's Implementation Team supports schools in implementing MTSS using implementation science
- Focus on building internal capacity for successful implementation
- Aim to improve outcomes and equity for students
- Cloud9World has experienced school-based mental health professionals
- Expertise in integrating mental health services through evidence-based interventions
- Cloud9World is a PreK-12th grade digital program
- Focuses on building social and emotional competence and character
- Cultivates strong educator- student relationships
- Offers Tier 2 curriculum (CST2) for executive function skills, social skills, coping skills, and emotion regulation support
- Cloud9World offers professional development opportunities for school leadership
- Focus on developing effective school leadership skills
- Trainings designed to foster clarity, competence, and consistency
- Aimed at addressing the unique needs of individual schools
What are EANS funds?
Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) Funds are a federal funding program established to provide financial assistance to non- public schools that have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Top 3 Ways to Use EANS Funds To Promote Student & Staff Social-Emotional Well-being and Mental Health
- Implement Comprehensive Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Program
- Enhance Mental Health Services and Supports
- Foster Positive School Climate and Culture
By utilizing EANS funds to prioritize student and staff social-emotional well-being and mental health, schools can create an environment that supports the holistic development and success of their entire community.
Federal Funding OverviewThese funds are authorized under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act and are intended to support the safe reopening and continued operation of non-public schools. EANS Funds can be used to address a wide range of needs, including but not limited to implementing health and safety measures, supporting remote learning, enhancing technology infrastructure, addressing learning loss, and providing mental health services. The funds aim to ensure that non-public schools have the resources necessary to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic and maintain a high-quality education for their students.
EANS Spending by StateHow can EANS Funds be used for Cloud9World curriculum?
Funding Area Focus
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum
Professional Development
Technology and Resources
School/District Needs
- Implementing a comprehensive social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum to enhance student social-emotional well-being and mental health.
- Promoting positive school climate through initiatives such as character development programs, positive behavior interventions, and creating a supportive environment.
- Addressing learning loss through targeted interventions, personalized support, and evidence-based strategies to help students catch up and thrive academically.
- Providing professional development opportunities focused on implementing social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum and strategies.
- Offering training sessions, workshops, and resources to support educators in effectively integrating SEL into their instructional practices.
- Enhancing educator knowledge and skills in creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment that promotes SEL competencies.
- Providing ongoing support, coaching, and collaboration opportunities to help educators refine their instructional practices and successfully implement SEL initiatives.
- Providing access to reliable and user- friendly digital platforms and resources that support remote learning.
- Ensuring students have the necessary devices, such as laptops or tablets, for effective engagement in remote learning.
- Offering training and support to educators on utilizing digital platforms for instructional delivery and student engagement.
- Integrating technology into teaching practices to enhance learning experiences and promote digital literacy skills.
- Allocating resources for software, applications, or educational tools that facilitate remote learning and technology integration.
Cloud9World Alignment
- Comprehensive SEL curriculum fostering character development, empathy, and social skills.
- Aligned with the school's focus on promoting positive behavior and emotional well-being.
- Provides resources, lesson plans, and activities for supporting students' social-emotional growth.
- Supports the development of essential life skills and promotes a positive and inclusive learning environment.
- Professional development opportunities for educators to enhance their implementation of the SEL curriculum.
- Training sessions and workshops focusing on integrating SEL into daily instruction.
- Guidance and support for building strong educator-student relationships.
- Strategies and resources to create a positive and inclusive classroom environment that supports SEL.
- EANS funds can support Cloud9World's digital platform and resources.
- Ensures students have access to the curriculum during remote or blended learning.
- Funds can be allocated for purchasing licenses, devices, or necessary technology infrastructure.
- Supports equitable access to educational resources and technology for all students.
What are Educational Grants?
Local educational agencies (LEAs) commonly utilize four types of educational grants to alleviate general fund expenditures. These grants include competitive grants, formula grants, continuation grants, and pass-through grants. Each grant type serves a specific purpose in providing financial support to LEAs for various educational initiatives and programs.
1. Competitive Grants:
- Require an application process, varying in complexity and time commitment.
- Offered by local, state, and federal agencies.
- Can be utilized to purchase Cloud9World curriculum.
2. Formula Grants:
- Automatically allocated by state and federal agencies based on predetermined formulas.
- Examples include Title I, IIA, IV, and special education funds.
- Can be used for purchasing SEL-related training and curriculum, such as Cloud9World.
3. Continuation Grants:
- Granted for multiple years based on renewal or reallocation of funds.
- Performance data is crucial for sustaining funding.
- Allows for long-term support of curriculum costs.
4. Pass-Through Grants:
- Require collaboration with another agency acting as the primary grantee.
- LEAs spend their own funds and receive reimbursements from the primary grantee.
- Reduces compliance burden on LEAs, allowing more focus on service delivery.